Barrengarry Dairy Factory

The Barrengarry Dairy Company Limited was established in 1888 when shares were taken up on 10 December 1888

The factory was built on land along Cavan Road, behind the old Barrengarry Post Office originally owned by Daniel McIlwraith and Alick Osborne. The factory was completed and in operation by February 1889.

May 1889

The factory receives between 900 and 1000 gallons of milk daily and produces 1lb of butter every 20 ½ gallons of milk. Suppliers were paid 6 pence per gallon.

November/December 1891

Suppliers of milk received 8 ¼ pence per gallon and at end of the 1891 year 76,022 gallons of milk were received during the month of November, producing 29,885 lbs of butter. In December the Company received 80,100 gallons of milk, producing 31,808 lbs of butter, however, suppliers were only being paid 3 pence per gallon.

Barrengarry Dairy Company Factory Meeting

Barrengarry Dairy Company Factory Meeting
Back: Andy Nelson, Jack Nelson, Jim Graham, Billy Walker, J. Chittick, Jack Cullen, D. A. Nelson, W. Bebbington, McDonald (hotel), Jules Schrieber
Middle: E. G. Triglone, W. Cox, J. Irwin, C. Cox, J. L. Nugent, Eric Cronberger, T. Jarrett, T. Watson
Front: Jack Cox, Jack Moffitt

July 1892

38,340 gallon of milk was received and 7 ½ pence per gallon was paid to suppliers.

February 1898

In the Gossip column of the Bowral Free Press and Berrima District Intelligencer (1884-1901) - “I notice that the largest load of butter brought for some years to Moss Vale Station came in on Thursday from the Barrengarry Dairy Company’s factory. It consisted of 155 boxes each ½ cwt and on keg, in all nearly 4 tons. It was brought in by Mr E. T. Goode, carrier for the company and was drawn by eight horses.” Barrengarry won many trophies for its butter in State competitions.

November 1898

Shoalhaven Telegraph reported a new refrigerating plant was purchased from Messrs McDonnell of Sydney, and installed. This allowed for a large quantity of butter to be weighed and boxed in a short time along with mechanical precision of the operators. The plant was capable of producing 30cwt of ice in 24 hours. The factory was described at this time “as well equipped as any of its kind in the colony” with “the advantage of pumping the water required from a well, a spring, situated 180ft up the mountain side”.

July 1913

Moss Vale auctioneers sold a team of eight champion draught horses on behalf of the Factory.

April 1922

A new Dairy Act was made which gave the Government Dairy Inspector power to “order buildings according to his own sweet will and compel community of farmers to spend further thousands of pounds out of their own pockets”. In August a special meeting was held proposing a central butter factory. It was unanimously approved before a general meeting of the suppliers for Glenmurray and Barrengarry Butter Factories.

September 1933

The closure of the Barrengarry Butter Factory with the whole of the cream supply now being handled by the People’s Dairy and Manufacturing Association Ltd (registered in March 1914), at Glenmurray, who had acquired additional plant and reconstructed buildings.